Fishing in Thailand

Hi there! Thought i would post a pic of this busted arse fishing boat we went out on out of Koh Samui in Thailand. We found there glossy pamplet say catch mackeral..barracuda ect and we thought we would give it a go. I took my rods and reals over on the plane with i was pumped to catch some thing. We hired the boat for a whole day for $80.
Our first stop was about 2 mile out, and he anchored over sand. Then all we caught were trumpeter looking fish..about 15cm farking great i said to the mrs. We caught ten fish, and as we were getting them, he was throwing them in his catch bucket...we were trying to throw them back, but he would have nothing of that. We moved to another spot...more small fish. I then said to him....aye were are the barracuda??? He then said no worries boss, after lunch!
Lunch......was provided on the trip, even thou we were not going to eat it, because of fear of the squirty bums. He cooked up the bloody trumpter for lunch, and put oyster sauce on them. My mrs was laughing at me. As soon as he went to the back of the boat, i started throwing them in the water...i couldnt eat that crap. He came back and said how were they...i said full, couldnt eat anymore!
We then went trawling for a while, along the channels for barracuda, just of the edge of the dirty water as the tide was going out. We saw maybe 5 fish, but didnt have any hook ups.
We had a good day just being out on the water...but we will be careful when we see the words BIG GAME again thats for sure!
Posts: 340
Date Joined: 09/01/08
had a simular thing happen
had a simular thing happen to me out there,but we caught some fish ,when we came back into the dock everyone was waiting for there fish,we got off the boat n they drove off kept every thing
Posts: 2258
Date Joined: 27/06/08
Got to watch those thai people..dodgy as!
MOBILE 0416341256 OR PH 92496113
Posts: 362
Date Joined: 27/06/08
yep - same thing happen to
yep - same thing happen to me too! My crew didn't even speak english - i saw a sailfish swim past the boat (with it's sail out the water) and they didn't even stop and put out the lures! waste of money, though at least the scenery was good:)
Posts: 242
Date Joined: 18/01/07
We're going to Phuket for a
We're going to Phuket for a few weeks in October... was thinking about going for a fish but the prices on the net blew me away. I have seen prices of around 5-600 for a day fishing.
I was there about 10 years ago and remember seeing some old guys going out from the main beach there and they came back a few hours later with a boat full - I might just bring my handline and go with them.
Posts: 388
Date Joined: 29/11/06
see u got a personal rod
see u got a personal rod carrier ;)
Posts: 2258
Date Joined: 27/06/08
ha ha
Sure have mate, but they dont come cheap!
MOBILE 0416341256 OR PH 92496113