Submitted by Blackgold on Fri, 2021-11-19 20:44
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Submitted by Blackgold on Fri, 2021-11-19 20:44
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little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Stupid thing to put
Up ,joke will be on you . Your Licence will be worth nothing.( very soon) when they ban snapper fishing in sound. ( totally). It’s only pinks/and dhues there targeting at the moment.
Posts: 68
Date Joined: 11/06/15
We all like our memories
We all like our memories Johnny that picture represents the rules in those days . When the bag limits where dropped the only Stupid people where the ones who used to go and do double dipping for the snapper sometimes 3 times in a day (Won't mention any names or boat descriptions ) life goes on
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Many memories
Have many memories of when and what the rules were years back, BUT, these were before colour sounders [old paper jobbies] and more importantly GPS technology, where you had to rely on time, speed, land marks and compass bearings to get to an area where you had previously caught fish.
The good old marker bouy went over as soon as you got what you thought was a dhufish bite and a look around to pick up any land marks for future reference [Always had a little book to draw a picture and write bearings on each one]
Remember doing a trip with a mate to his spot north of Cape Naturaliste and he had a brand new gps with it marked, he wouldn't let me anywhere near it because he thought I would copy the co ords down, then he realised I had already picked up definite landmarks to get me back there if I wanted to. Shrugged his shoulders and showed me them.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
I have some good ones
Fishing with crom . Compass reading for so many hours/mins . Once close paper sounder goes on ( didn’t want to waste paper) bronze hooks flattened ends ( no eyes) hence the snell rig . Them days are gone, I still have a few bronze hooks somewhere . And yeah black gold I heard same rumours back in day. Also heard few people getting done back in them days ( for wrong doings) getting over limit . Selling fish . Filleting at sea . I was actually sitting at ramp one night ( having a quiet beer)?prior to bans coming in . Seen fisheries trying to search a boat who he thought went out few times . The 2 guys gave him hell. They drove away ( they worked alone) back then . Within hours it was shut down for year. I think there’s going to be price drop on big amature fishing boats soon . Cost of living / fish bans . Fuel price ( over the top) Back to herring , tailor.skippy , squid fishing . Sambo fish cakes.
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
....and future generations
....and future generations paid the piper
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Black gold
I forgot to mention. Camera’s on lamp posts..
Sea goat
Posts: 997
Date Joined: 26/03/17
wow....i know that back then
wow....i know that back then the rules were different and all, but to me this just highlights a major lack of foresight.. This is by no means anything against the fisher ( fully understand it wuld have seemed perfectly normal at the time),, but to think that limits like that would have been considered sustainable confounds me. not surprised the stocks are in question. hindsight is a wonderful thing....
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18079
Date Joined: 11/03/08
And have a look at bag
And have a look at bag limits over east on many species. If they keep going it will kill the stocks over there like it has over here.
Like crabs , was watching a you tube show and their bag limits on blue swimmer (they call them sand crabs) is 20 p/person.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 795
Date Joined: 02/01/11
?, bag limit for blue
?, bag limit for blue swimmers up here is 20 per person
Sea goat
Posts: 997
Date Joined: 26/03/17
i may be wrong, but i was
not sure about up north, but i may be wrong, but i was unde rthe impression that here in metro was 10 per person, 20/boat in mandurah, and 5pp, and 20 per boat in the swan.
Posts: 795
Date Joined: 02/01/11
I’m up in Hedland, the bag
I’m up in Hedland, the bag here is 20 p/person, not that I have ever kept a bag limit
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Greedy barstewards
Was living in my park home in one of the caravan parks in Carnarvon and used to go out and catch a feed of crabs for mates every now and then because 3-4 crabs a year is enough for me. Couple of regular grey nomads asked where I got them as they were scratching for a feed and not having much success so I told them where to go. Bugger me dead if they didn't flog the guts out of the area, take one dinghy in the morning and get their 40 crab limit then use another dinghy in the arvo for another 40 boat limit. There were cooking , cleaning and freezing the meat to take back south with them when they went home.
Never again would I give spots like that away again
Posts: 227
Date Joined: 10/05/10
Yet you look at the bag
Yet you look at the bag limits in other states which have bigger populations and smaller coast lines with nothing like the restrictions we have over here i think WA has the higest priced rec fisheries in the world and definitely has the shortest with the metro ab season won that award over ten years ago and i think its shorter now we don't need more restrictions thats for shore.
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Have a look through history
Damage was done way prior to the 10 per person limit. Then 8 then 6 then 2. Careening bay for example. Cleaning ships . They got hammered way before most of us where born. Anyway at least pinks are on way back now days . Through snapper guardians/ bans , ect. Numbers seem to be high . Size will follow in years to come.
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Have to agree with you there, son and I got our 20 pink snapper bag limit in 11 minutes on a trip to Gnaraloo in late eighties. Had caught bag limits of 10 dhufish on many occassions, leaving fish still biting because we had run out of room in the icebox
First season catching pink snapper off Carnarvon professionally, the Koks patch would have anywhere up to 20 boats anchored up and 4-5 blokes on 2 snapper winches each, while one was on its way down you would be unhooking, bleeding [no spiking those days] and rebaiting, with the sinker on the gunwhale ready to go, when the line on its way down hits the bottom, pull it up about 2 metres then start hooking the 4-5 fish on it, start winding it up, once you drop the fish on the deck then kick the sinker on the other reel over the side, repeted many times till the box was full then procede over to Hospital bay , anchor then start gilling and gutting for the next few hours.
This was in the late seventies and giving my age away
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
When was ban on by catch
While snapper fishing for pros banned .( talking sharks ) mainly gummy sharks in this case. When was catching blue manna crabs banned in cockburn sound ? . What is gummy sharks favourite food supply ? What is worth more money to pros ,snapper or gummys ? . Pretty simple you don’t need university degree to figure out . Taking oversized female crays With fur ? What is that going to do for future ? I use to belt mullys until few years ago I went on pro boat from gero . Pulling them hand over fist .Skipper Made us stop. He told me only get so many . Never take to many,due to there a family group they never mix with other schools of mullaway. Didn’t have a clue. Now all my boys go once or twice a year for them. All this fact not fiction . Dhue stocks is fiction . You may have 10 good dhue fisherman doing there study’s and 100 crap fisherman doing study ( they average it out) fact .anyway doesn’t matter end is near . It will start as trial . Then it will be a given .
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Taking of female crabs
Should be banned . 1 male can service many females ( lucky bugger). That’s why our cray fishery has been so good for many years .Big females where protected . Not now let’s see what happens with crays in years to come.anyway that’s my xmas spit the dummy out the way. I hope everyone has a safe and nice xmas :)
Posts: 2458
Date Joined: 08/09/16
Back when my wife's family
Back when my wife's family had a place at Dawesville we only took males anyway. Bag limits were higher and crabs more plentiful but that's what we did. Assumed it was to do with breeding but just did what I was told!
PGFC member and lure tragic
Sea goat
Posts: 997
Date Joined: 26/03/17
fully agree with this. never
fully agree with this. never keep female crabs. just seems like common sense to me.
Posts: 2458
Date Joined: 08/09/16
It reminds me of my late
It reminds me of my late father in law when I caught some greenback tailor at Mewstone one day. He used to live in Safety Bay just off the beach and said they'd catch dozens of those at night with a net strung in the bay. No wonder fish are harder to come by!
PGFC member and lure tragic
Posts: 9
Date Joined: 03/04/21
Busselton Jetty
As a kid I loved going to Busselton & fishing for tailor & Herring gardies ectra off the old railway jetty about 1/3/2/3rds along the tailor would make two three runs around the same time every night then they no longer turned up & a guy with a long casting rod brought in this nylon float net,I will not say what happend to the net ?