Electric Knife Sharpener

 So...Im getting lazy and cant be assed using the wetstone anymore to sharpen my knives.

Can anyone recommend a good electric knife sharpener?



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Wed, 2023-10-04 18:27


scubafish's picture

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Thu, 2023-10-05 19:30




Ericl's picture

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Date Joined: 02/05/11

I have a nirey

Thu, 2023-10-05 12:39

 I have a nirey that I would like to sell. I bit the bullet a little while back and bought a Totmek Anniversary edition (which I am still learning to use) The Nirey is a KE-280 but it is a 120 VAC model so you would need a transformer. Send me a PM if you are interested - Cheers


Don't spend all your money on beer, boats, and fishing. Save some to spend foolishly

sea-kem's picture

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 Just watched the Nirey

Thu, 2023-10-05 14:30

 Just watched the Nirey instructional video, ahem I'd like to get instructions from her :P 


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Sat, 2023-10-07 09:07

Decided to go with the chefs choice 1520.

Hopefully the missus will be able to cut tomatoes again once i sharpen the knives.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Ha ha one thing I get

Sat, 2023-10-07 09:52

 Ha ha one thing I get growled at for in the house. Considering all my fishing knives are sharp. 

I just ordered the Nirey kit. Same mate I'm not bad with the stone but getting lazy. 


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Sun, 2023-10-08 13:37

 Where did you order and what price, in the market for one myself. Except I'm rubbish with a stone! 




sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Hey BD Hopefully the link

Sun, 2023-10-08 13:53

 Hey BD from Ebay KAA Kay Apparel Australia $384 delivered. 


Love the West!

Browndog's picture

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Date Joined: 10/04/12


Sun, 2023-10-08 15:19

Thanks, ordered the KE280 kit.




carnarvonite's picture

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Sun, 2023-10-08 20:18

 I'll stick to the stone Andy, over 60 years of practice and only takes a minute or two to bring the edge back up. Gets to the stage that te missus lets me know as soon as one of the big knives in the kitchen is in need of the steel or stone. Some times I think shave sharp isn't a good thing in the kitchen but who can argue with the boss!!!!