Best trailerable fishing boat

I have a bit of time on my hands, so I have been thinking about the best trailerable fishing boat. No boat can do everything, but if you could only have 1 boat, what would it be. Something you can get out to the FADs on, or go squidding in the sound and crabbing in the swan. Something you can tow to Denham and spend a week at Dirk Hartog, or up to Onslow and out to the mackerel islands. Something you can explore the islands off Esperance, or travel through the Kimberly's. Something you can tow with a land cruiser or dual cab unit, rather than needing a truck. 

All I realised is that we are so spoilt for choice. Here is my shortlist:

Caribbean 2300 

Cruisecraft E695HT

Haines Hunter 760 Enclosed (or 675 Enclosed) 

Haines Signature 788sf


Preston Craft 


I do love the Fury 282DC, but they definitely need a truck to tow.


What does everybody else think?  



davewillo's picture

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 I spent 2 weeks fishing off

Wed, 2024-12-18 10:21

 I spent 2 weeks fishing off Exmouth and the Mackerel Islands on a Caribbean 2300 including an overnighter at Long Island and it was awesome! The trip from Exxy to the Mackies isn't a short one but it was a really good comfortable trip. We fished some shitty conditions and it handled it very well. The return trip was another story - 5 hours punching into a howling southwester all the way until we got close to the western wide of the gulf. it was incredibly uncomfortable but it never felt unsafe or that we were at risk. So for me, I'd give that a vote.


 PGFC member and lure tragic

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Kimberley fishing.

Wed, 2024-12-18 12:00

 Not many fibreglass up here, boats can be left high and dry with tides and inexperience.

Regularly people end up waiting for the next tide and with a big heavy boat i wouldn't want to be sitting on rocks.

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 Good point about fibreglass

Wed, 2024-12-18 15:02

 Good point about fibreglass boats up north. For most people it would be a once a decade/lifetime trip though, so probably shouldn't buy a boat based on such a rare trip. 

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 Not only Kimberley though,

Wed, 2024-12-18 15:53

 Not only Kimberley though, also Shark Bay, Montes and Abrolhos (and Rotto ) where being able to take the bottom either to dry out or to sneak over shallows without worrying about gelcoat.

The other advantage of aluminium over glass especially when hitting the 3.5T limits is you'll get a physically bigger boat in aluminium.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Swompa's picture

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Caribbean 2300 - visually

Wed, 2024-12-18 14:29

Caribbean 2300 - visually good looking boat. If i wanted a glass boat and could tow it, i would definitely seriously look at one.

Genesis make a pretty boat and I think they are very solid and capable boats

Stabicraft - Seem to be tractors of the sea. Very stable too.


One to consider may be Bullet Welding. Willie is making a 7.2 down in Rockingham at the tic and may be worth a look. He makes Fish Hunter boats. His welding is art. 

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 Found another contenter -

Wed, 2024-12-18 15:03

 Found another contenter - Whitley SL26 hardtop 

crano's picture

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Wed, 2024-12-18 19:43

 I have spent a fair bit of time in one of these. The layout would not suit me but the ride is amazing. I havbeen in an airider about the same size and it kills it for ride.

carnarvonite's picture

Posts: 8673

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Air riders

Thu, 2024-12-19 17:18

 Spent a lot of time on Shark Bays 10 metre air rider and wasn't impressed when compared to a 10 metre Naiad in the sharp chop that you get in the bay

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 myself also, certainly the

Fri, 2024-12-20 05:31

 myself also, certainly the earlier one we used as a crew boat had issues with cracking and required suspension seats inside Dampier harbour.

They may well have improved since but didnt seem like the magic bullet at the time.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


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Air riders

Fri, 2024-12-20 20:52

 When we had a choice on what rescue boat to purchase for Carnarvon sea rescue we took Exmouths air rider out for a trial and had it broach on us twice quite badly with a following sea on a aft quarter nearly throwing me out of the seat, a bad mark on my list straight away and all of us on selection panel not being fans of cats left a trial on Kirby's 10 metres sports version straight across Cockburn sound at 40 knots with a strong wind warning seabreeze then heading out passed Carnac island going wave jumping convinced us the Naiad was the go.


Posts: 125

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 The layout is a bit off for

Wed, 2024-12-25 10:00

 The layout is a bit off for me as well. I nearly bought one about 10 years ago, but went for a cruise craft instead back then. Great hull, but a bit too family oroentated for me. 

Posts: 1118

Date Joined: 19/06/14

My two cents.

Wed, 2024-12-18 15:07

Our 8.5m Sharkcat ticks all the boxes.  

She's on a legal 6 ton trailer and it has a truck to drag it around. It's travelled from C'von to Cairns and back to our new home in Darwin. We're not the quickest thing on the highway yet we get to where we need to go no worries. Roughly 11 ton fully loaded and are getting 4K to the litre sitting on 90 kmh which I'm happy with.

720 litres of fuel 

200 litres of water 

Hot and cold water on demand, external shower and toilet

Big fridge, freezer and kitchen

A shit ton of solar and batteries to go with it 

King sized main bunk

Aircon and generator about to be installed. This will be a game changer up here cos it's freekin hot all of the time.

Its set up to be a very, very comfortable exploring boat that you can fish from too. 

I'm waiting for the wet season to end up here in Darwin then it's final paint and into her pen. Looking forward to fishing the backside of the Tiwi islands. Two night / three day trips are going to be the norm. 



 My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....


Posts: 125

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 Great boat, but way too big

Wed, 2024-12-25 10:01

 Great boat, but way too big for me 

Posts: 997

Date Joined: 26/03/17

personally have been vry

Wed, 2024-12-18 15:45

personally have been vry happy with the caribbean 2300. if i had to go ali i would prob opt for a stabicraft. very tuff boats.

also have a look at the new veitch 23. look good.!

Posts: 125

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 Interesting to hear a 2300

Wed, 2024-12-25 10:04

 Interesting to hear a 2300 owner thinking about a stabicraft! I would have thought the 2300 would handle much better than any Ali boat, even a stabicraft. 

the Veitch looks awesome. Shame the 27 doesn't fit on a trailer 

Posts: 997

Date Joined: 26/03/17

 Yeah can't fault the ride in

Thu, 2024-12-26 15:37

 Yeah can't fault the ride in the 2300. Was just saying if I did have to go Ali, then the stabi would be my pick of Ali,s.

if im not  mistaken, I think I read somewhere that veitch are in the process of developing a 23 hardtop, which would be trailerable by most 3.5t capable vehicles. Would be a weapon! Though I have never actually ridden in a veitch....

Posts: 125

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Veitch boats

Sat, 2025-01-11 22:07

Those Veitch boats look amazing. A 27' hardtop would be awesome, but a bit heavy to tow. The new 23' hardtop would be a good compromise.  

Posts: 4584

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 I have. Phenomenal rig with

Sun, 2025-01-12 12:46

 I have. Phenomenal rig with the seakeeper gyro and ride system. 
Turn them off and it was a real disappointment. 


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

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Sun, 2025-01-12 16:17

Do you think it was a disappointment due to the high deadrise. I think it's about 25.5 degrees, which is pretty huge and like to lead to instability at rest. I would have thought it would ride nicely at speed though.
so the seakeeper makes a big difference hey?  

Posts: 4584

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 The gyro made a huge

Sun, 2025-01-12 16:51

 The gyro made a huge difference but I think the seakeeper tabs made even bigger difference. Eye watering price tag but I think if I was planning a new build I would factor them in. 
Think it was a combination of deep v and heavy cabin structure. Without gyro or tabs it just laid right over when throttling up onto the plane. Alarmingly so. 


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Posts: 121

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Wed, 2024-12-18 20:37

 I have a Caribbean Reeefrunner 6.2 m very capable boat  great handling with a 23 degree  deadrise ,great deck space fish 4 easily and easy towing at 2.1 ton. Great alternative but the 23 foot is king.

Posts: 125

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 The reefie is a great boat,

Thu, 2024-12-26 13:34

 The reefie is a great boat, which makes me think the 2300 would be amazing. Cost more to buy, and heavier to tow though 

Posts: 150

Date Joined: 09/01/12

 Great topic ! I think I

Thu, 2024-12-19 09:44

 Great topic ! I think I enjoy virtually spending my money more than fishing sometimes.

I have recently sold my Cruisecraft 625 outsider, it was an excellent trailer boat and handled some rough conditions ok, (but not comfortable). Easy to tow and handle by myself with an old prado, the new landcruiser hardly felt it.   I was considering an upgrade to either a cruisecraft 695/720 Explorer as you get a bit more deck space for fishing and I was hoping that it might be a bit more comfortable when the weather turns, but I doubt it will be much different. 


Then I considered a cat in the 7-8mtr range, lots of leisurecats for sale in Perth, some sharkcat and the odd Markham and whilst I haven't been on any of them, the way I see them sway from side to side and the diffuclty towing such a beast has turned me off..  Anyone in perth with a leisurecat willing to give me a ride to change my mind ? 


Finally I am currently drooling over a Tidal Marine 24 enclosed.  It looks almost perfect except I need some form of seating at the back for family days. and the flat front deck limits cabin space (although I have never overnighted)


One powerball away from getting all of them.

Posts: 1118

Date Joined: 19/06/14

Once you’ve had a cat you never go back.

Thu, 2024-12-19 19:13

I was always skeptical about cats until I went for a ride in one. These days I kind of cringe when I have to go out in a boat that only has one hull. My nickname for my cat is the magic carpet, it gives a ride that is second to none. They do take a little to get used to when they walk from side to side and after a while you don't even notice it. You also learn pretty quickly that they don't like getting thrown into corners!.

Best thing is getting home after a day on the water and you're not an inch shorter and feeling beaten up. If you're ever up this way hit me up and I'll take you for a burn. One thing I like is having two of everything (apart from the bills associated with having two of everything) it gives you redundancy when you're in the middle of nowhere.

It's the easiest rig I've ever towed and it's quicker to get it in and out of the water than my old 5.1M Quinnie. You don't even get wet feet!


 My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....


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Kevlacat 2400

Sat, 2024-12-21 06:30

Kevlacat 2400, best all rounder for what we do. Local demersal, Abrolhos, deep drop, billfish or long out of Exmouth. Redundancy in 2 engines and two seperate fuel and electrical, and the magic ride of a cat. Had the 5.2 for over 15years and had the 2400 for the last 8

Howesy9's picture

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Tidal Marine and Co

Sat, 2024-12-21 07:03

 Check out Tidal marine and co.

Locally built fibreglass boats in Landsdale. The crew building them really know their stuff and very experienced shipwrights. The biggest positive of that is that you know who is building your boat and what you are getting for your money. I don't think you will find a better riding hull in the 21 and 24 foot range than what they build. They are solid fishing weapon. They have a massive 540 ltr fuel tank built in so can get pretty much anywhere you like with out have 20 or 30 jerry cans on the deck. Also easily tow able by your landcruisers or duel cab ute's. You can full customise what you want in the boat too. Definatly worth checking them out and adding to your list.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

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 540 litres on a 24 footer is

Sat, 2024-12-21 07:37

 540 litres on a 24 footer is insane. Probably sits well in the water at rest. Going to check out their web page.


Love the West!

Howesy9's picture

Posts: 15

Date Joined: 20/09/13

 540 ltrs in their 21 too

Sat, 2024-12-21 12:18

 540 ltrs in their 21 too with 120 ltrs of fresh water too. Check out their fb or insta page too.

Posts: 125

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Tidal Marine

Sat, 2024-12-28 13:49

Great looking hull - love the flare of the bow. The centre console looks great, but the runabout and enclosed  wheelhouse have been hit with the ugly stick. A removable rear seat would also help it perform family duties 

marble's picture

Posts: 778

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 I reckon ours , but im

Sat, 2024-12-21 07:06

 I reckon ours , but im biased  PMY 24 c/C 300 Suzuki


PMY 25 Centre Console DF300 Suzuki

Posts: 125

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 Love the PMY. If only they

Wed, 2024-12-25 10:04

 Love the PMY. If only they still made them

marble's picture

Posts: 778

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 Northshore boats in

Thu, 2024-12-26 08:07

 Northshore boats in Henderson have the PMY moulds and make them now


PMY 25 Centre Console DF300 Suzuki

marble's picture

Posts: 778

Date Joined: 03/09/09

 I know where there is a

Thu, 2024-12-26 08:08

 I know where there is a damaged one that might be available as a project 


PMY 25 Centre Console DF300 Suzuki

scuttlebutt's picture

Posts: 453

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 I've had my 625 Explorer for

Sat, 2024-12-21 15:42

 I've had my 625 Explorer for about 14 years and it's the one boat that I bought and have never felt the need to sell it and buy something else.  Just the best boat to fish out of (short of going centre console) that I've experienced. 

Ride isn't as soft as a mates Signature 632f but the layout for fishing is streets in front - brilliant stability, acres of deck space, position for bracing against the gunnel when fighting a fish and tucking the toes under the side pockets - seat frames that allow you to slide an esky under each side, brilliant factory baitboard, live bait tank, easy stern access with the ladder,  good nose access to deploy the Motorguide, it's just really good. 

I like the "bit over 6m" size too. Easy to tow and it's spent plenty of time off the shelf in Cairns, even when I used to go out in over 5 knots and just never felt unsafe.  It'll need a new motor and transom in a couple of years (already got a new trailer) but it's one boat I reckon worth spending the money on. 




straith's picture

Posts: 426

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 6.6 hydrofield, almost

Wed, 2025-01-01 17:35

 6.6 hydrofield, almost impossible to find, missed getting one recently by minutes and it headed home to Eastern States ... sob

ive got the 5.6 and i reckon I'll never go back to 1 hull.


Posts: 125

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 What a

Thu, 2025-01-02 14:54
straith's picture

Posts: 426

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 awesome but a tad big for me

Mon, 2025-01-13 19:12

 awesome but a tad big for me

timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

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 Interesting to hear the Air

Fri, 2025-01-03 23:42

 Interesting to hear the Air Rider comments above, the AR or a Stabii for me but after hearing the AR's negative comments then I'll take the 2250 Ultra Centrecab Stabi....