Port Lincoln Fishing report


Hi all, as promised am putting up a report from my recent trip to Port Lincoln.  Not alot to report fishing wise as the KGs were a bit slow and mostly undersized, did manage a few good feeds though.  Managed to get out behind Boston Island to the tuna pens one day but they weren't playing despite berleying with a few blocks of pilchards and trolling around with teasers etc.  Others reported it was also slow around the pens (only aware of one being caught whilst I was there - bit late in the season).  Did manage to get a small kingfish off the pontoon in the marina on the whiting rod which was fun particularly when he dived under the pontoon.

Also hitched a ride with a friend in his Markham Dominator out to Greenly and Rocky Islands out from Coffin Bay, unfortunately again the tuna could not be found (never had much luck in a strong easterly for some reason).  He didn't have a temp gauge on his sounder but I suspect the water may have been cold which I have found is usually the case with an easterly wind. No kingies or sampsons to be found either though we only tried a few spots as it came up rough and we had to go for the long bumpy trip home.  Did catch a few nannygai and a decent silver trevally.

Found most of the whiting around Port lincoln to be undersize and let them go (obviously) in hindsight should have trailered the boat to coffin bay and fished there for better results but with the boat tied up at the pontoon it was easier to just jump aboard than be bothered.  Trip was otherwise great and relaxing and certainly a good break from work.

Hopefully next trip will be better but the missus has told me no fishing trip next year as we are looking at somewhere like fiji for a change but assures me I'm allowed to go on a day charter or two (sounds a goer).  (Anyone have any suggestions on Pacific Islands trips with good fishing near resorts).

No internet at home at the moment but will post some pics when I get the chance.






Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions


Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

Date Joined: 28/11/07

Paul I'm surprised the KG's

Tue, 2010-04-20 21:08

Paul I'm surprised the KG's were mainly undersized, Autumn has always been a great time for good sized whiting and in numbers too.
Spewing about the trip out to Rocky and Greenly, it's a long haul from Coffin Bay for not many fish, all my bottom fishing trips out there have always provided enough snapper and nannygai to put some fillets in the freezer.
Don't forget to post up some pics when you get your 'net sorted.
Also for next time, maybe consider towing up to Pt Neill for good whiting and pan snapper in close to shore if Lincoln/Coffin are quiet.

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

Cheers Tim, If I was there

Wed, 2010-04-21 09:43

Cheers Tim,

If I was there the two weeks previous the weather was beautiful everyday (that happens).  Seemed to be between the summer and autumn weather in Lincoln the whiting are probably biting their arses off now I'm back.  Will get over to my Dads in Wallaroo in the next few weeks and pick a few up around there to satisfy the hunger.

Time out at Rocky and greenly was limited due to the fact we stuffed around a bit in the morning trying to get live baits so we had limited time out there before having to head back due to one member having to catch a flight out of Lincoln.  No birds were working tuna schools or bait so we did a bit of blind trolling with no sucsess.  We were considering going across the afternoon prior and should have in hindsight as we could have got the livies on the anchorage at Greenly (and tried for a few kingies overnight) and been out there alot earlier.  Didn't have the time to try to pick up a few sanpper or nannies as a result.  Lesson learnt for next time.

Would have done better if I got off my bum and towed over to Coffin Bay they were catching KGs around there. Did also consider towing up to Tumby and heading out towards the Sir Joseph Banks group as well but as mentioned had the boat on the pontoon and I think I was having a lazy holiday and just happy with being away from work as I hadn't had a break for a while.  Will be other opportunities to come.



Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions


Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

Date Joined: 28/11/07

no worries mate. Greenly is

Wed, 2010-04-21 19:53

no worries mate. Greenly is an excellent anchorage so if you get the chance again make sure you stay overnight for 2 reasons: make the most of your fuel and to have a crack at the kingies there. Good old EP, great spot.

Posts: 66

Date Joined: 25/11/11

 What's the distance from

Mon, 2012-11-19 18:00

 What's the distance from coffin to greenly?




Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

Replied to your email

Tue, 2012-11-20 12:43

Replied to your email Moby




Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions
