night out with the wifey
Shot out for a friday night date night on the water with she who out fishes me. not far from home in 11mt of water , we burlied up hoping for a pink although no such luck this time. Wife pulled in a nice little keeper Dhu, I managed a couple of 450 tailor inbetween playing with a little shark that was doing laps aroung the boat. Wife hooked onto another nice fish which was dropped as drag was cranked and just as i flew across to back it off a bit!! it was gone ! great night any ways and gode to see her in action !
Sunday morn was a run out to the bank with the bro and sis inlaw where we anchored up and dumped the burley again on the surface and a bottom bomb. with the others starting to get a few touches on the bottom , I threw a weighted pilly out the back on a sneeled circle rig and went to drop the bottom gear down when line stated peeling from the floater. A wee tussel was on and i finally saw PINK!, my allergy was no more.. or was it !. I lead it to the several times repaired net and it was in.. then the net snapped off the handle and the bro inlaw was tryining to pin a pink with the net part against the side of the boat looking in a panic at me silently saying what the fuck do i do now. I then found out that the tail grip was not going to work so we screamed for the gaff and successfully pined it and dragged on board.
adrenaline was flowing and hands still shaking we go a pic and back to work we went.
managed a couple of small dhus (one sized ) though 51 cm looks to small to keep so weighted him back down to grow some more in hope of upsizing . next was a nice baldie .small blackarse , blue devil, ray ,smaller baldies and a bronzie. no dhu upgrade.
all in all a great morning/Weekend out and hoping for more to come.
Additional pic from a few weeks earlier . another cracking morn on the water !
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Good feed
See the wife brought out the tea towel just in case nice. Best time of year imo for dhues . Well done
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 21/05/12
crackin effort
crackin effort
still trying
Posts: 1071
Date Joined: 27/06/17
Well done I haven't had much
Well done I haven't had much luck with my burley sessions so far this year.
rather be fishing
Posts: 2458
Date Joined: 08/09/16
Some great results there!
Some great results there!
PGFC member and lure tragic
Da pirate
Posts: 1576
Date Joined: 03/05/15
Good effort there brutha you and
the Mrs .. those big pinks let you
know You got em .. cheers pirate
Posts: 249
Date Joined: 25/08/15
I must say
I havent had much luck lately at all prior to these couple of trips , burley or not! just nice to put a smile on the dial and feel it can still happen. Happy days though
Emission appare...
Posts: 30
Date Joined: 21/01/21
Nice work !
Nice work !