Whats wrong with my trout

 I am doing a quick stint up in Gove and on my day off one of the guys here was good enough to lend me his tinny. I spent all day out on the water and caught only the one fish, a Coral Trout. the following night a mate and I bought some bits and bobs to have with it on the BBQ and after we got all set up I filleted the fish only to find all the way through its flesh there was brown flecks that were stringy and looked like wooden splinters almost. I wish I had taken a photo but I was so gutted about the mistery bits in the flesh that I didn't... As I'm a bit precious adout the things I eat I didn't eat it and it had to go in the bin..

Any ideas what it could have been???



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wangler's picture

Posts: 607

Date Joined: 26/04/08

Did it look like this

Tue, 2013-12-10 10:44



Want to make someone mad... tell a lie! Want to get the world upset... tell the TRUTH !


Justo82's picture

Posts: 482

Date Joined: 17/10/11

exactly the thread I was

Tue, 2013-12-10 11:26

exactly the thread I was thinking of.

hornet42's picture

Posts: 179

Date Joined: 24/07/12

sounds like it had worms

Tue, 2013-12-10 12:02

 may have had worms 3-4 mm long redthroat are bad for them in the warm waters


 PB  Dhu  850 mm Pink 820mm 

mrwinta's picture

Posts: 457

Date Joined: 14/01/10

 I thought that it may be

Tue, 2013-12-10 14:15

 I thought that it may be worms but they were a fair bit wider than those in the pictures and more evenly spread out. they did vary in size but genaraly about 5-10mm long and 2-5mm wide....

