Port Hedland Piccies

Few pictures from Port Hedland. Been extremely windy lately and haven't been able to get out as much as I'd like. [img_assist|fid=3481|thumb=1|alt=Big Spaniard|caption=Me and ma beautiful baby.] [img_assist|fid=1161|thumb=1|alt=Collateral Cobia|caption=Cobia are just as bad as noahs sometimes in smashing your fish.] [img_assist|fid=1138|thumb=1|alt=Sharked|caption=Sharked !!] [img_assist|fid=1135|thumb=1|alt=Pilbara Prize|caption=Off Port Hedland, had to beat the Tiger shark under the boat though. The ice slushy killed the colours unfortunately :(] [img_assist|fid=2007|thumb=1|alt=Emperor|caption=Lots of these about!]