Canning River fun

Asked my bro if he wanted to go for a flick around the Canning on Saturday, he moved over from Adelaide a couple of months ago and I was keen to get him out and into the flattie season. As well as that a mate of mine recently sent me some new HRT Lures to get wet so there was another thing pushing me to get out again.

We ended up fishing between the Mt Henry and Canning bridges from 10-2pm and picked up about 12-15 flathead between us in that time. Most of them were caught around what I'm guessing was the turn of the tide at about 1pm.

Most of the sizes were around the 35cm mark but we got onto a couple of larger ones, I got one at 42cm and one at 46cm, Jay got one around 45cm but it spat the hooks at his feet which was great to see...

A couple of pics from the session below:

Posts: 118

Date Joined: 16/09/09

nice fish matedo you work

Wed, 2010-12-15 08:07

nice fish mate

do you work your lures pretty aggressively or just a slow roll/twitches??

Ben Derecki's picture

Posts: 1926

Date Joined: 10/10/07

During this session I found

Wed, 2010-12-15 14:30

During this session I found the slower retrieve had more success so pretty much stuck with that... pause, twitch and a few cranks of the handle before pausing again.  Most fish were caught on the first wind after a pause.